- 60 l/min max hydraulic flow
- 4.03m loadover height
- 3.05m outer turn radius over tyres
- 2.59m max forward reach with a 1000 kg load
- The JCB 520-40 AGRI Loadall uses a combination of 2 axles and a hydrostatic transmission and four-wheel steer for superb manoeuvrability. Good ground clearance and four-wheel drive mean this compact telescopic handler can make excellent progress in any conditions or terrain. Add a hydrostatic transmission for easy operation, infinite speed variations and great fuel efficiency, and you have truly versatile performance and productivity.
The JCB 520-40 AGRI is another compact, manoeuvrable Loadall. It has a longer footprint than the 516-40 AGRI, but boasts improved lifting capacity and lift capacity at reach. 4 equal sized wheels improve tractive effort for excellent loader performance, while soft ground flotation and ground clearance are first class. For added versatility, high utilisation and extra investment value, we offer a large attachments range. Permanent 4-wheel steer, together with a compact machine size, means an exceptionally tight turning circle for great manoeuvrability and handling in small spaces. Of course, being a JCB telescopic handler, residuals are strong – as the world's number 1 telescopic handlers, our AGRI Loadalls are always in demand and therefore valuable.

Rated power
19 kW
Machine weight
4400 kg
Travel speed
15 km/h
Lift height
4,0 m
Lift capacity
2000 kg
Every JCB AGRI Loadall is designed to maximise uptime and productivity. To do that, we make sure our components last a long time and, when routine replacements need to take place, we make sure everything important is easily accessible. So all checks are quick, simple and safe to carry out from ground level on this compact telescopic handler. The one-piece bonnet opens for ease and safety; the radiator chaff guard fan keeps debris out of the cooling package while most service intervals, including boom lubrication, are a lengthy 500 hours. Every JCB AGRI Loadall has a one-piece fully welded chassis for maximum strength and minimum weight. Hoses are routed through the boom to protect against damage. The U-shaped boom with integrated boom nose and one-piece closing plate has reduced joints and stress points. Key components like the Loadall boom are tested over thousands of cycles and all of our manufacturing processes are backed by ISO 9001:2008.